

2025.02.01 お知らせ



ANAホリデイ・イン リゾート宮崎 は、IHGホテルズ&リゾーツの「True Hospitality for Good」の企業理念のもと、お客様に喜ばれる真のホスピタリティのご提供とお取引先との良好なビジネス関係の発展、および当ホテル社員に働く喜びがもたらされることを目指しております。


  • 厚生労働省が発表している「カスタマーハラスメント対策企業マニュアル」に記載されている『顧客等からのクレーム・言動のうち、当該クレーム・言動の要求の内容の妥当性に照らして、当該要求を実現するための手段・態様が社会通念上不相当なものであって、当該手段・態様により、労働者の就業環境が害されるもの』を対象とします。


  • a. 要求の内容が妥当性を欠くもの
     (i) サービス・商品に瑕疵や過失が認められない場合
     (ii) 要求の内容がサービス・商品の内容とは関係がない場

     (x)社員に対する解雇等の社内処罰の要求 (要求内容の妥当性に照らして不相当とされる場合があるもの)


  • 当ホテルは、全ての関係者の人権を尊重し、企業理念を実現するため、カスタマーハラスメントについて以下の対応をいたします。

    • 当ホテル社員によるカスタマーハラスメントとなる行為については、厳格に対処いたします。
    • 当ホテル社員のためにカスタマーハラスメントに関する教育、カスタマーハラスメント発生時の対応体制構築および相談窓口の設置を行います。また、カスタマーハラスメントを被った社員のケアを行います。

Basic Policy on Customer Harassment

Under the corporate purpose of IHG Hotels & Resorts "True Hospitality for Good", ANA Holiday Inn Resort MIYAZAKI aims to provide true hospitality that will delight our guests, fosters strong business relationships with our business partners and bring joy to work to our hotel employees. We are committed to work through your valuable feedback we receive daily, striving to earn your trust and understanding of this corporate purpose. However, we have observed instances where certain demands or behaviors by our guests exceed the boundaries of socially accepted norms or undermine the dignity of our employees. It is our responsibility based on our corporate purpose to ensure that our employees do not engage in such behavior toward our business partners. In light of these considerations, we have established this Basic Policy of Customer Harassment as a guideline for our daily operations.

1.Definition of Customer Harassment

  • Customer harassment is defined as "complaints and behaviors from customers, etc., where the methods and manner employed to achieve the demands, in light of the reasonableness of the content of such demands, are deemed inappropriate according to societal norms, and such methods and manner harm the working environment of workers," as stated in the "Customer Harassment Countermeasures Corporate Manual" published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Specific examples include, but are not limited to, those outlined in 2 below.

2.Examples of behaviors regarded as customer harassment

  • (a)Unreasonable demands
     (i)No defect or negligence is found in the services or products
     (ii)The demands are not related to the service or product
    (b)The methods or behaviors to achieve the demand deemed inappropriate according to the societal norms.
     (i)Physical assault (assault and injury)
     (ii)Psychological attacks (threats, defamation, slander, insults, verbal abuse)
     (iii)Intimidating language and behavior
     (iv)Demanding apologies in the form of kneeling
     (v)Continuous (repeated), and persistent (insistent) behavior
     (vi)Restrictive behavior (refusal to leave, remaining on-site)
     (vii)Discriminatory language and behavior
     (viii)Sexual language and behavior
     (ix)Attacks or demands directed at individual employees
      (forcing them to meet outside the workplace or forcing accompaniment or intruding upon their privacy)
     (x)Demands for internal disciplinary actions such as dismissal of employees
      (which may be considered unreasonable in light of the appropriateness of the request)
     (xi)Unreasonable request for the exchange of goods
     (xii)Unreasonable demands for compensation in the form of goods, cash, vouchers, points, or other benefits.  (xiii)Unreasonable demand for apologies
     (xiv)Various other forms of harassment
    (c)Other nuisances
     (i)Defamation and slander on social media or online platform
     (ii)Repeated phone calls or emails

3.Our Response to Customer Harassment

  • To respect the human rights of all parties involved and to realize our corporate purpose, our hotel will respond to customer harassment as follows:

    •We will sincerely engage in dialogue with customers to foster understanding and resolve issues when customer harassment is directed at our employees. However, if a guest continues to engage in such behavior repeatedly, we may refuse their reservations or use of our hotel facilities. This measure is taken in accordance with Article 5, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Hotel Business Act and Article 5-6 of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Hotel Business Act. Furthermore, if the hotel deems the behavior to be malicious or if dialogue is deemed impossible, the hotel may request the guest to leave the premises, report the matter to the police, or involve legal counsels.
    • Any behavior that constitutes customer harassment by our employees will be dealt with strictly.
    • We will educate our employees on customer harassment, establish a system to respond to customer harassment, and set up a consultation service for our employees. We will also provide care for employees who have suffered customer harassment.